Lake Vilbig Water Test Results
by Jerry Skotak
Sampled on Saturday, July 22, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Air temperature: 91℉.
Sample depth: 12 inches
Algae: Common
Watercolor: green/brown
Water clarity: cloudy
Water surface: clear
Water conditions: ripples
Water odor: none
Water temperature: 92℉
Conductivity: 630 µS/cm
Dissolved Oxygen: 8.7 mg/L
pH: 8.74
Water transparency: 1 ft 5 inches
Lake observations: The samples were taken under clear skies. The wind was from the north at eight mph. The lake water is pretty warm. Algae is expected, mainly below the water surface. The water is green/brown. Aquatic vegetation looks healthy. There are ducks, turtles, and small fish in the area. Nitrites (NO2-N), total nitrate (NO3-N), and Phosphate (PO4-) were not detectable. The dissolved oxygen levels are very good for this time of the year. The lake level is slightly lower than usual. It rained 0.26 inches six days ago. Dallas County currently is currently experiencing abnormally dry to moderate drought conditions.