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Water Report - Environmental Committee

Public·75 members

Lake Vilbig Water Test Results

by Jerry Skotak

Sampled on Saturday, December 31, 2022, at 5:15 PM.

Air temperature: 68℉ under primarily clear skies.

Sample depth: 12 inches

Algae: none

Watercolor: green/brown

Water clarity: clear

Water surface: clear

Water conditions: calm

Water odor: none

Water temperature: 49℉

Conductivity: 660 µS/cm

Dissolved Oxygen: 9.7 mg/L

pH: 8.24

Water transparency: 2 ft 6 inches

Lake observations: Not surprisingly, the water is cold. The samples were taken under mostly clear skies with calm wind.

No ducks, turtles, or fish were observed in the sample area. There were no algae observed. Most, if not all, the aquatic vegetation is dead from the previous freeze.

Nitrites (NO2-N) are not detectable. Total nitrate (NO3-N) is not observable. Phosphate (PO4-) is not noticeable. It has been 18 days since it last rained (.70 inches on 12/13).

The lake is at an average level. The water level was observed at the bottom of the outlet pipe with no flow out of the lake. Dallas County is not under any drought conditions.

The lake water test results are promising, and everything looked normal for the end of December. The water temperature is excellent for polar bear club swimmers. Cold water can hold more dissolved oxygen, and the results were higher.

William and Mary Spears

Jerry, Thank you for these tests and detailed reports!!



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