Lake Vilbig Water Test Results
by Jerry Skotak
Sampled on Sunday, August 21, 2022, at 5:10 PM
Air temperature: 85℉ under cloudy skies with light rain.
Sample depth: 12 inches
Algae: Common
Watercolor: green/brown
Water clarity: cloudy
Water surface: clear
Water conditions: calm
Water odor: fishy
Water temperature: 88℉
Conductivity: 742 µS/cm
Dissolved Oxygen: 6.4 mg/L
pH: 9.08
Water transparency: 1 ft 4 inches
Lake observations: The water remains pretty warm. The samples were taken under cloudy skies with light rain falling. The winds were out of the south at five mph. Ducks, turtles, and small fish were swimming in the sample area.
Algae is common. All of the algae continues to be under the surface of the water. Aquatic vegetation looks healthy. Nitrites (NO2-N) are not detectable. Total nitrate (NO3-N) is .5 ppm. Phosphate (PO4-) is not detectable. All are at low levels and indicate there isn’t much fertilizer or other agricultural chemicals being washed into the lake.
The lake level is very low, although approaching as low as I can remember since the 1980s. We are considered (western Dallas County) to be in an exceptional to extreme drought. It has been four days since it rained, approximately the tenth inch. The last significant rain was in the first week of June. Hopefully, we will have another significant rain tonight and tomorrow.