It has come to our attention that some members have collected proxies from other members and have plans to turn them in at the February 4th, 2025 Annual Members meeting. This is notification that proxies collected and submitted at the meeting in this manner are outside the guidelines and will be considered an invalid proxy and will not be accepted toward the quorum, nor will those votes be counted. The Absentee Proxy that all members received in the mail outlined the proper ways to return proxies for those members not able to attend the meeting in person. Â
The Nominations and Elections Committee and the Board are required to protect the integrity of the voting process and would like every member to have an opportunity to have their proxy submitted appropriately and have their vote counted. Therefore, if you have given your proxy to another person to turn in for you at the meeting, which will be considered invalid, you still have time to correct this and have your proxy and vote count. You can either hand deliver a new proxy by February 3, 2025, to the Amazon drop box at Matt Shelley's house at 1323 Lakeshore Drive, or print, sign, scan, and email the proxy to the email address by February 3, 2025. Mailing at this time is not an option since there is no time for it to be received via mail by February 3, 2025. Or you can attend the meeting in person and vote at that time.Â
These voting procedures are outlined in the Nomination and Election Committee Standard Operating Procedures and are available on the website under Residents, Members Only, Policies and Standard Operating Procedures, then Nominations Committee. For your convenience, below are sections of that document regarding proxy and ballot gathering. Submitting proxies outside of these guidelines is not allowed. Â
Proxy Gathering:
* To ensure secrecy, proxies are returned by mail to the ILA PO Box.
* Members may hand-carry proxy to the Nomination and Election Committee Chairperson (Ann Chittatil) or any Board Member not on the ballot.
* Any Director of the Board may hand-carry proxies to the Committee.Â
* Chairperson shall take steps to secure all proxies so that no member of the household or outsider may view or tamper with the proxies.Â
* Proxies shall be handled with discretion; votes should not be discussed or viewed by anyone who is not on the Nominating Committee or the Board.
Ballot Gathering:
* Completed proxies are exchanged for ballots at the door at the Annual Meeting.
* Ballots are handled with discretion: votes should not be discussed or viewed by anyone not on the Nominating Committee/Secretary.
* Folded ballots are gathered during the meeting so that the people collecting them cannot read the votes. Ballots are delivered directly to the Nominating Chairperson.
Meeting Day:
* If a meeting attendee has already cast a proxy vote:
  - Committee exchanges the completed proxy with a new ballot, or
  - At member's option, the "Proxy" title can be corrected to read "Ballot."
* Members who have not returned their allotted proxies may cast their vote(s) during the Meeting.
At this time, there have been 94 proxies turned into the Nominating Chairperson, and we still need to meet the requirement of 108 members represented in person or by proxy to secure a quorum and be able to hold the meeting. Please ensure that your proxy is submitted in the appropriate manner or attend the meeting in person to ensure a quorum is met. The ILA Annual Meeting is at 7:00 pm, Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at the Garden and Arts Building, 906 S. Senter Rd, Irving, TX.Â