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This is "ILA NEWS" March 31, 2021

Writer's picture: John R MikalikJohn R Mikalik

ILA Newsletter as You Know it is Going Away

The ILA Newsletter will only appear on the ILA Website. Please feel free to sign up to the ILA Website and stay up to date with all that's going on with the ILA News, Bass Club, Women's Club, and all the Social events. Shortly, you'll be able to pay your ILA Dues from the ILA website. If you wish to add anything, contact Jennifer D'Souza - Communication Chair - ILA Vice President at To sign up to the ILA Website, go to: NOTE: Only ILA Members will be able to join the ILA Website. If you don't have a password, some areas will not be accessible.

Vilbig Bass Club March Tournament 2021 By Julie Grigsby The Vilbig Bass Club began another year of competition with the March tournament on Saturday. A total of 16 anglers took place, and here are the results: Big Bass – Pierce Johnston – 4.06 lbs 1st Place Stringer – Pierce Johnston – 10.08 lbs 2nd Place Stringer – Mason Shelley – 8.09 lbs 3rd Place Stringer – Tim Casbeer – 7.11 lbs 1st Place Team – Tim Casbeer and Mike Grove – 14.11 lbs 2nd Place Team – Matt and Mason Shelley – 13.09 lbs 3rd Place Team – Julie and Mark Grigsby – 11.15 lbs Three fish stringers were weighed in by Matt Shelley, Mason Shelley, Tim Casbeer, Mike Grove, Tony Saltarski, Mark Grigsby, Pierce Johnston, Mike Gilger, and yours truly …. Other anglers weighing in fish were Steve Dillon, Corey Pankey, Tim Downs, Amy Johnston, Paul Poole, and Rick Huffman … the weather was mild. Still, the wind kicked up quite a bit, so it was difficult for those who had to drive and fish at the same time … fish were caught mostly in the shallows and all over the lake … weigh-in took place at the Grigsby’s …. Other things – thanks to Rick Huffman for hosting the meeting Thurs night … welcome to our new members Barney Barnett and Brad Dusek … nice to see Mason Shelley fishing with his dad again … we won’t mention Amy’s little fish, but it was pretty darn cute … and special condolences to the Griffin’s on the loss of Jon’s father – our thoughts and prayers are with you! The Next Meeting and Tournament April 8 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting - 7:30 pm - Tim Casbeers - 1520 Lakeshore Dr April 10 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Draw - (Marty Tackett Memorial)

Biologist Report

March 25, 2021

Lake Vilbig

Irving Lake Association, Inc., President

P.O. Box 171111

Irving, TX 75017-1111

Greetings, Lake Vilbig residents!

This letter is to discuss our March 2021 management efforts. I came out twice in March, March 11th, and March 24th to continue our management efforts for the year. It was an extremely windy day on March 11th. I think winds were in the 30-40 mph range. The lake was white capping, making it difficult to do much on the lake. The high temperature for the day was in the 60’s. Let’s discuss some items about the lake. Lake temperatures have rebounded nicely from the great freeze in February. Water temp was 60 F. That is a significant increase in a month. It is now Spring. Alkalinity was 120, which is right around where it should be. pH was 7.2. Visibility was 20 inches. This was not due to plankton bloom but due to turbidity and the lake's nature the day I was there. Since it was white capping on the north end, it makes using this parameter mute on this day a throwaway number that doesn’t mean anything this visit.

March 24th was a much better visit. I was able to get out on the water. I spent a lot of time checking different vegetation areas, and I went over the volleyball pit, fishbowl, canal, and other areas. All the usual spots where vegetation generally starts growing first. I was not able to find a single piece of bushy pondweed or chara growing. The Water temp was 62F. pH was 7.3, and visibility was 38 inches. It appears there is some plankton starting to grow, which is excellent. The Coots are still around. I did not see any cormorants or seagulls. Maybe they have left and headed back north. Maybe they were just gone for the day. Overall, everything looks perfect heading into Spring.

Thanks, Vilbig Residents!

Chad Fikes

Fisheries biologist

ESTATE SALE APRIL 16-17, 2021 9am-4pm (Friday & Saturday) 2012 PEARL LANE, IRVING 75060 PRICED LOW TO SELL QUICK Mask required, limited people in the house at a time & no children under 10 for safety. CASH ONLY PLEASE *Embroidery supplies, kits & floss *Dressers, Tables, Chairs *100,000 BEADS (glass, resin, wood, plastic) *Futon, Flat-screen TV & Stands/Cabinets *Needlework projects & supplies *File Cabinet, Desks, Shelves, supplies *quilting mats, rulers, templates *Fireproof Safe with keys *sewing notions, frames, hangers *Medical supplies, Blood Pressure Monitors *Knitting, crochet & tatting kits, galore *Folding dining table & chairs *jewelry plyers, charms, & pendants *Nesting tables x 3 *Quilting fabric & rotary cutters *Lamps, Rugs *Punch Embroidery complete kits *New Dinnerware, glassware, silverware *Jewelry making supplies & kits *Toys, Games & puzzles, stuffed animals *Singer sewing machine *Pet supplies, carrier, beds, leashes *Storage & Organizing containers *Tools, utility cabinet, *Ribbon, sequins, trimmings *Jewelry cabinets (wall & free standing) *7 tubs of lace & eyelet *Walkers & Canes *Colorful crafting buttons *Knickknacks, Books, Candles *Pompom & Tassel makers *Earrings, Necklaces, Hair accessories *Creative Girls Club Kits *Wrapping paper, ribbon, & cards *Jewelry display cases & bags *Cleaning Supplies *Needlework lights & magnifiers *Refrigerator/freezer *Net Darning, Ribbon embroidery *Computer monitor & printer

Home For Sale 2012 Pearl Lane Contact Larry Lane 469-586-9372 - Leave a message

Throw Back 2001 Thanks to all who helped with the Spring lake cleanup. 2,440 pounds of trash was collected and taken to the City dump. A couple of sections on the lake were not cleaned due to a shortage of cleanup boats. Hopefully, we will get to those sections missed during the fall cleanup. Thanks to the cleanup crew: Dwain Morgan, Dave Maskarinec, Steve Dillon, Brandon Wooddell, Alfred Schram, Greg & Joanne Hoffmann, Roy Jones, Hanna, Daniel, & Xaver Beauchamp, Mary Evans, David Kern, Craig & Dottie Watson, Jason Burnette, Michael & Sandi Collins, Al, Debby, April & Ali Kohutek, Sydney Furgerson, Tom & Beverly Root, Gene Stoneburner, Jim Young, Steve Martin, Wojciech Kedzierska, Cliff Cook, Peggy Tackett, and whoever else that forgot to sign-in. Special thanks to the City of Irving and Bob Horton for providing the gloves, trash bags, Sandi for making lunch plans, Brandon for getting the ice, Greg Hoffmann for the coffee, Al for the ice chests, water, sign-in sheet, cream, sugar, use of his pickup truck and outboard motorboat, Steve Martin for the use of his pickup truck, Craig & Dottie for the use of their big trailer, paper plates and paper towels, Mary Boudreaux movie tickets prizes, Jason for the use of his pickup truck, Mary Evans for getting the donuts, Eden Cook for the cokes, and anyone else missed. Cleanup Prize (movie tickets for two with popcorn): Greg Hoffmann won the prize for the most unusual trash item (a bag of VHS movie tapes), and he declined the prize, so the move tickets went into and drawing, and the Beauchamp family won! Next to Lake Cleanup is September 22, 2001.

2021 ILA Events

April 5 - ILA Board Meeting April 8 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting - 7:30 pm April 10 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Draw - (Marty Tackett Memorial) April 24 - Lake Cleanup - 8:00am - 12:00pm May 3 - ILA Board MeetingMay 13 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting - 7:30 pm May 15 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Pick May 22 - Vilbig Bass Club Couples Tournament June 7 - ILA Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - 1323 Lakeshore Drive June 10 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting - 7:30 pm June 12 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Draw - (David Kern Memorial) July 3 - The Blake Casbeer Kids Classic July 5 - A Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - 1323 Lakeshore Drive July 8 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting - 7:30 pm July 10 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Pick August 2 - ILA Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - 1323 Lakeshore Drive August 12 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting - 7:30 pm August 14 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Draw - Bill (Bill Grigsby Memorial) September 6 - ILA Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - 1323 Lakeshore Drive September 9 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting - 7:30 pm September 11 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Pick September 18 - Lake Cleanup - 8:00am - 12:00pm September 25 - Vilbig Bass Club Couples Tournament October 4 - ILA Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - 1323 Lakeshore Drive October 14 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting - 7:30 pm October 16 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Doubles Draw October 23 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - The Classic November 1 - ILA Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - 1323 Lakeshore Drive November 11 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting 7:30 pm November 13 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Pick December 6 - ILA Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - 1323 Lakeshore Drive December 9 - Vilbig Bass Club Meeting & Christmas Party December 11 - Vilbig Bass Club Tournament - Draw - (Marcus Boudreaux Memorial)

Prayers Request

Greg Hoffmann

Bob Joyner

Jim Young

Birthdays April

4/2 Melissa Parr 4/7 Dorsey Denton 4/13 Brandon Wooddell 4/13 Luke Wooddell 4/23 Rose Stoneburner 4/27 Ann Chittatil

Crime Summary Beat 36 AUTO THEFT (LOCAL) 19XX BLOCK OF EMERALD DR, IRVING, TX Mar 21, 2021, at 7:00 pm

Irving Municipal Elections: Early Voting, April 19-27; Election Day, May 1Irving registered voters will head to the polls on May 1, 2021, for the city’s general municipal election for Districts 4, 6 and 8. The ballot also will include 12 propositions for the issuance of up to $563.4 million in bonds for capital improvement projects. The city does not currently anticipate an increase in the tax rate as a result of the bond election. Early voting is from April 19 to April 27. All Adults Now Eligible for COVID-19 VaccineOn March 29 the state expanded COVID-19 Vaccine eligibility to include all adults. Residents 16 years and older are encouraged to register for the COVID-19 Vaccine through Dallas County. Dallas County is prioritizing patrons who are most at risk and meet the phase criteria when confirming appointments. Best Places to Snap Photos of BluebonnetsSpring is here! The beautiful Texas bluebonnets are popping up on the sides of the highway, and Instagram feeds are filling up with darling kiddos and fur babies sitting in a sea of flowers. Visit Irving put together a list of the best places to see the annual flowers. AROUND TOWNResidents Invited to Virtual Grand Opening of New DART StationDiscover with Me Series for families with Irving Public LibraryTax Filing Deadline Extended to June 15 for Texans

Email Addresses:

ILA President:

ILA Secretary:

ILA Treasurer:

Mailing Address:


P.O. Box - 171111

Irving, TX 75017-1111Websites:



Police/Fire - 911

Police non-emergency number - 972-273-1010

City of Irving emergency number - 972-721-2411

Animal Shelter - 972-721-2256 (Barking Dog Complaint)

Code Enforcement - 972-721-4929 -

Pothole Hotline - 972-721-7303

Airport Noise Complaint Hotline - 972-574-2538

ILA ADS If you find any problems with those that are advertising on this Newsletter, let it be known and they will be removed. I am hearing that some don't return calls. You may place your ad here. Send email to

ILA Boat Stickers You may get your Boat Sticker by contacting any ILA Board Member or email with the following information: Name address phone number number of stickers

Cypress Cove Park Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers 1800 Diamond Dr Plenty of room for games, family reunions, and Weddings Grills, Picnic tables, T- Dock for fishing or swimming Contact any ILA Board Member *You must be a Lake Vilbig Member, and it's free, a refundable deposit to make sure you leave the park as you found it.

Long's Fencing of North Texas Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Repair or New 972-294-4087 or 940-566-2819

Grand Prairie Feed Store Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Fish Food - Organic Fertilizer 1229 E. Main St 972-263-6522

Linda & Ray's Scrapping Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Don't pay to have your washer, dryer, refrigerator hauled off, I will do it for free. Same-day pickup Ray - 972-765-2097

Drains Hernandez Services Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers French drains with gravel Sump pump installations, roof water control, and downspout exhausts. Standing yard water control, surface drains, garden dreins concrete drains, channel drains, Irrigation repairs. Free estimates Alberto Hernandez 214-463-3646

Termite Inspection Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Termite inspections and treatment. Kevin Kasky - 972-762-0899

The Handy Man Vilbig Resident Serving all your construction needs Tom Young - 972-849-6200

Windows and Doors Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Window Replacement & New Construction We Manufacture and Install Lifetime Warranty - Transferable to New Homeowner 214-630-5885

Window Cleaning Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers White Hill Cleaning Victor Bianchi 214-854-0115

Air Conditioning and Heating Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers

Antonio’s A/C & Heating Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Antonio Contreras Grand Prairie, TX Cell - 972-768-8097

Veterans Garage Doors Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Garage door repair and installation (972) 885-2982 Grand Prairie, Tx

Pulido Cocreate Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Retaining Walls, Side Walks, Drive Ways, & Slabs Alex Pulido 972-375-4069

Unique Stone Masonry Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Seawalls & Complete Stonework Your complete Landscaping Company Jon Walters 214-603-6866

Knight Erosion Control ​ Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers R-Rap - Seawalls - Retaining Walls - Wall Repair 817-640-4442

Olvera Waterfront Construction​ Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customer Retaining walls, docks, piers, and more. 903 - 263-9764 496 FM 3019 Winnsboro, TX 75494

TC Landscape The Best of the Best Call or Text - 214-524-4079 "Keep Irving Beautiful"

Tree Service Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Tree Topping - Tree Work 817-217-3790

Yard Maintenance Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Shrub/tree trimming, cleans up along the banks, packing leaves, debris, and cut branches, etc. Rebuilding stone walls and does a thorough job cleaning up afterward into large plastic bags for disposal. Juan - 214 607 6533

Rent a Husband Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Handyman - The go-to guy Robert Williamson 972-513-4918

House Repairs Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Julio Alvarado 214-998-6974

Plumber Satisfied Lake Vilbig Customers Replaces Hot water Tanks and will handle all of your plumbing needs David Dees 972-318-9081

Texas Sable Palm Trees - Cold Hardy Contact - Romero - 817-204-4629 Will plant for $150.00

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